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Monday, 9 July 2012

Young Heroine Gets Help From Lord Ganesh

When youth are finding it difficult to stare at her 'back', God is now helping this young chick to shot into fame. Confused! Then you should check this story. Struggling heroine Swetha Basu Prasad is now getting help from Lord Ganesh to spring back into lime light. We are talking about the Ganesh tattoo that is etched on the spicy back of this cute girl. Recently, Swetha attended a private function where she is invited to light the lamp. People who have noticed the Ganesh tattoo on her back went furious about it. Now, some Hindu groups and activists are demanding this heroine to remove that. On a whole she is getting lot of publicity with the turn of events. All the time, heroines who entwined into gossips and issues got good breaks in tinsel town. We have to see how this hottie utilizes the opportunity to sign few movies.


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